Please visit
Blue Ridge Raffle website for complete rules and regulations:
- Drawing begins Jauary 1st @ 6:59 pm (GA Lottery Cash 4 Drawing) and continues every evening through January 31st.
- Forgot your ticket number? Click here to message us!
- If you don’t want to know your number, don’t worry – we’ve accounted for all tickets with your name attached to your ticket
- Please visit https://www.blueridgeraffle.com for up-to-date info.

Thank you for supporting Kiwanis Club of Blue Ridge by participating in our
Blue Ridge Raffle
Our club’s mission is simple – to support the youth of Fannin County. We accomplish this through several major fundraisers throughout the year (this being one of them!) and through many projects that provide direct outreach. We do our best to fill in the gaps.